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North County Works







Create a movement to organize public, private and non-profit stakeholders collectively to advocate for resources, jobs, and support services to address employment needs in Northern San Diego County.      




The purpose of North County Works (NCW) is to assist agencies, who serve diverse populations of clients with various barriers to employment including low-income status, limited English proficiency, substance abuse, racial/ethnic discrimination, physical and mental health conditions, homelessness, criminal history and the disenfranchised workers.  By utilizing the collaborative approach, a client will enter the NCW through a “no-wrong door approach”.  Case managers can access shared resources throughout the collaborative by utilizing the NCW Job Developer to link their clients to the appropriate programs, thereby decreasing the number of participants that are turned away without resources.   


  • Our monthly meetings bring together over 40 organizations monthly to share presentations, resources and job leads.

  • We showcased 16 employers at our meetings in 2020 to share job opportunities with our members.

  • Formed a partnership with North County Workforce Partnership to create a custom page on their Partner Portal Job Search website

  • Held our first Annual Education Summit

  • Held our first Annual Justice Involved Workshop

Angel Flores.jpg

North County Works Committee Chair

Angel Flores

County of San Diego

Health & Human Services Agency

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North County Works Committee Chair

Jane Herrick

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